Our Organic Terrace Gardening Workshop is back on Sunday the 22nd of July!
This session: Myths & Facts on Home Veggie Garden
1. The topic will cover details on how easily a beginner is attracted into veggie gardening without understanding the simple dynamics of the home garden.
2. Myths and facts of a home veggie garden
3. What is a soil medium and how is it the most important entity in a home garden.
Followed by a Q&A a demonstration on soil mixing will be done. A starter kit will be your take away with some starter seed material and a grow bag as part of the fee along with a detailed handout on this topic for July.
Registration Fee: Rs.400/- per person payable at the venue.
DATE: 22 July 2018
TIME: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
VENUE: Ashvita Bistro, #11, Bawa Road, Alwarpet, Chennai.
RSVP at events@ashvita.com to make your reservations