This program is conducted round the year every 3rd Saturday of the month. This is the third year in progress. Session are conducted from July – Oct & Dec – March. Horticulturist Harish Krishnamoorthi precedes these session. He explore various topics spread over different session such as methods to manage pests & diseases, common home garden plants, seasonal plants.veggies,herbs and fruits and many more organic gardening related topics.
This workshop sees almost 70-80 participants each month who come with a keen a keen interest to start their own home gardening or who are eager to learn new things in this field.
Ashvita Bistro’s roof top garden grows its very own herbs, vegetables and fruits and this is why the idea was pursued to engage a larger audience with this hobby of home gardening. With each session we also have a sale of saplings, seeds, plants and various other organic and natural gardening related products.